SMARTPLS 4 is currently a very popular quantitative data analysis tool. It can be used to analyze relationships between variables in research models with multiple-indicator latent variables. It establishes the validity and reliability of questionnaire items (indicators) using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Besides that, it analyses the effects between the variables in the research models, examines whether the model can be applied to the population of the research through model fit analysis, and examines whether the model has sufficient power to predict the subjects in the population of the research (predictive power). Besides that, it examines the indicators that are most important for improving the dependent variable of the research. It is also often used to analyze mediation and moderation models. This seminar introduces the basic functions of SMARTPLS 4 in research. Postgraduates, researchers and academicians are welcome to attend the seminar.
Who Should Attend:
- Postgraduates
- Researchers
- Academicians
Registration Fee: FREE
(E-Certificate will be provided!)
Seats are limited, don't miss this opportunity! 
Register to attend here:
See you there !